Regulation 30
FY 2021-22

Re-appointment Resignation Updates 31.3.2022

NRC ESOP Cancellation 31.03.2022

Intimation to Stock Exchanges for meeting of Equity Shareholders

Intimation to Stock Exchanges for meeting of Secured Creditor

Intimation to Stock Exchanges for meeting of Unsecured Creditor

SGX Update 16.03.2022

NSE Query Reply 16.03.2022

BSE Query Reply 16.03.2022

FRL Section 17(2) Update 15.03.2022

Resignation of Director 15.03.2022

FRL Intimation Retail Operations Update 09.03.2022

FRL NCLT Scheme Update Order 28.02.2022

FRL Scheme Store Operations Intimation 26.02.2022

FRL Intimation USD Notes Interest Payment 18.02.2022

FRL SC NCLT Update 15.02.2022

FRL Credit Rating Intimation 02.02.2022

FRL SC Appeal Update 01.02.2022

FRL Intimation OTR SC 01.02.2022

FRL Appeal SC OTR Payment 25.01.2022

FRL Intimation USD Notes 24.01.2022

FRL DB DHC Stay Order Submission 06.01.2022

FRL Update Appeal Order Intimation 05.01.2022

FRL Update Appeal DHC 05.01.2022

Writ Petition Order FRL Intimation 04.01.2022

Writ Petition Update 03.01.2022

FRL Intimation OTR Plan

FRL Credit Rating Intimation 01.01.2022

FRL Intimation CCI Order

FRL Intimation SE Update 28.11.2021

CCI Hearing Update Revised 15.11.2021

FRL ID Letter 14.11.2021

Advt Ltr SE FRL 09.11.2021

FRL NCLT Update 08.11.2021

FRL SC Appeal Intimation 08.11.2021

FRL ID Ltr CCI Submission 07.11.2021

FRL Update DHC Appeal Order 29.10.2021

FRL Update Appeal DHC 27.10.2021

FRL SIAC EA Order Update 22.10.2021

SC IA Amazon Filing FRL 20.10.2021

SIAC Update FRL 20.10.2021

Intimation to Stock Exchanges for meeting of Equity Shareholders

Intimation to Stock Exchanges for meeting of Secured Creditors

Intimation to Stock Exchanges for meeting of UnSecured Creditors

Execution of Mutual Termination Agreement

Proceedings of 14th AGM and Scrutinizers Report

FRL Update NCLT Scheme

FRL Update on SC Order on SLPs

FRL DHC Update Amazon 31.08.2021


Outcome FRL BM 25.08.2021 Appointment CEO

FRL DHC Legal Update 17.08.2021

FRL Intimation USD Notes Interest Payment 17.08.2021

FRL Update SLP Supreme Court

FRL SC Order Update Disclosure

FRL Intimation Order Supreme Court 06.08.2021 NSE BSE

Re-appointment of Statutory Auditors 29.07.2021 NSE BSE

Appointment of Mr. Jacob Mathew 26.07.2021 NSE BSE

NRC ESOP Cancellation 26.07.2021 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation USD Notes 22.07.2021 NSE BSE SGX

FRL Resignation of Independent Director 24.05.2021 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 01.05.2021 NSE BSE

FRL Board Meeting Outcome 29.04.2021

FRL Credit Rating 29.04.2021 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation OTR Process Completion 27.04.2021 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation Interim Order SLP Supreme Court 20.04.2021 NSE BSE

FRL Board Meeting Outcome 17.04.2021

FRL Credit Rating 17.04.2021 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation SLP Supreme Court 14.04.2021 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation Scheme Extension 01.04.2021 NSE BSE

FY 2020-21

FRL Credit Rating 30.03.2021 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation Link of Delhi High Court Order 22.03.2021 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation Delhi High Court Order 22.03.2021 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation Appeal Delhi High Court Order 20.03.2021 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation Delhi High Court Order 19.03.2021 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation SC Interim Order 22.02.2021 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation USD Notes 19.02.2021 NSE BSE SGX

FRL Intimation SAT Order Link 17.02.2021 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation SAT Order 16.02.2021 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation 15.02.2021 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation 09.02.2021 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation 08.02.2021 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation SEBI Order 03.02.2021 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation 03.02.2021 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation 02.02.2021 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation 25.01.2021 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation USD Notes 22.01.2021 NSE BSE SGX

FRL DHC Appeal Update 11.01.2021

Proceedings of 13th AGM and Scrutinizer's Report

Summary of Delhi High Court Order 23.12.2020 NSE BSE

Intimation Delhi High Court Order 21.12.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation CCI Approval 21.11.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation Legal 07.11.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation Scheme of Arrangement 01.11.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 29.10.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation Amazon Arbitration Order 26.10.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 16.10.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 17.09.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 16.04.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 04.09.2020 NSE BSE

NRC ESOP Allotment 04.09.2020

FRL Credit Rating 03.09.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Press Release 29.08.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Board Meeting Outcome 29.08.2020

FRL Intimation USD Notes 24.08.2020 NSE BSE SGX

FRL Credit Rating 21.08.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 14.08.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 31.07.2020 NSE BSE

Extension of time for filing Financial Result 28.07.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 28.07.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 25.07.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation USD Notes 22.07.2020 NSE BSE SGX

FRL Clarification Newspaper Article 17.07.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation Letter for Allotment of NCD's 01.06.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Outcome BM 27.05.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation Letter for News Clarification 21.05.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation Letter for Allotment of Shares 19.05.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 16.05.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 14.05.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 07.05.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 23.04.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 14.04.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Postal Ballot Outcome & Scrutinisers Report 06.04.2020

FRL Credit Rating 03.04.2020 NSE BSE

FY 2019-20

FRL Credit Rating 27.03.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Outcome BM 23.03.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation Covid-19 22.03.2020 NSE BSE

Intimation received from Executive Chairman 06.03.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 28.02.2020 NSE BSE

Letter SEs FRL INVMeet 23.02.2020

FRL NRC Outcome 13.02.2020 NSE BSE

Outcome FRL BM 13.03.2020 Update

Letter SE's FRL INVMeet 06.02.2020

FRL Intimation Listing 23.01.2020 NSE BSE

Allotment Notes Intimation 22.01.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 17.01.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 15.01.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Intimation Notes Issue Press Release 15.01.2020

FRL Credit Rating 06.01.2020 NSE BSE Updates

FRL Credit Rating 06.01.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Ltr Intimation 06.01.2020 NSE BSE

FRL Amazon Press Release Announcement

FRL Board Meeting Outcome 04.01.2020

FRL Postal Ballot Outcome & Scrutiniser's Report 02.01.2020

FRL Credit Rating 16.12.2019 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 12.12.2019 NSE BSE

Letter SEs FRL INVPresentation 12.12.2019

FRL Credit Rating 11.12.2019 NSE BSE

Letter SE's FRL INVMeet 11.12.2019

Letter SE's Postal Ballot Notice 02.12.2019

Letter SEs FRL INVMeet Singapore 18.11.2019

Proceedings of EGM 08.11.2019

Scrutinizer Report of EGM 08.11.2019

FRL EGM Update 5.11.2019 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 30.10.2019 NSE BSE

Investor Updates BM 12.10.2019

FRL Board Meeting Outcome 12.10.2019

FRL Credit Rating 11.10.2019 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 24.09.2019 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 28.08.2019 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 26.08.2019 NSE BSE

FRL Disclosure 22.08.2019

FRL Board Meeting Outcome 12.08.2019

Proceedings of Twelfth Annual General Meeting

Srutinisers Report Twelfth Annual General Meeting

FRL Credit Rating 23.07.2019 NSE BSE

Letter BSE NSE Regulation 47 News Paper

Intimation of AGM to Stock Exchanges 5th July 2019

FRL Credit Rating 20.06.2019 NSE BSE

FRL Outcome NCDs Allotment 03.06.2019 NSE BSE

FRL Board Meeting Outcome 25.05.2019

FRL Credit Rating 20.05.2019 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 18.05.2019 NSE BSE

FRL Outcome Warrants Allotment Additional 23.04.2019 NSE BSE

FRL Outcome Warrants Allotment 23.04.2019 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 19.04.2019 NSE BSE

FRL Credit Rating 11.04.2019 NSE BSE

FY 2018-19